clear your mind meditation Jan 05, 2022

Zenkai’s  "CLEAR YOUR MIND"  Meditation Practice:

Let's find a little PEACE and CALM in this moment, shall we? 

Step 1:   Set an intention to calm yourself down and really sense and relax into this moment.   If you're standing right now try sitting down for this practice. 

Step 2:  Close your eyes and find your center — try to sense your body grounding into this moment.

Step 3:  Take ten deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth; while breathing, just sense your body and focus on releasing tension.

Step 4: At the end of 10 breaths, keep your eyes closed, continue breathing deeply, repeating the phrase “CLEAR YOUR MIND”;   CLEAR your mind…CLEAR....CLEAR....CLEAR your mind...   The intention during this time is to release and clear your mind from all the thoughts, stress, and tension from life.

Set a timer and start with 3 Minutes!   Then try for 6 minutes.   Then try for 9 minutes.  

Challenge:  See if you can work your way up to 21 minutes in the morning AND afternoon.

Helpful tips: Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth during your new 3-21 minute practice.

If you struggle during the 3 minutes, imagine you are training a puppy to sit for 3 minutes. When the puppy gets up you simply return him or her to the position and ask to kindly sit again.  3 Minutes... YOU GOT THIS!!!    CLEAR YOUR MIND!!!!



~~~Vibrating with LOVE and LIGHT~~~

 Brandon Laughinghouse CHPC, QWP

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