(27) Tenets of The Spirit of ZenKai

tenets Jan 18, 2022

The Spirit” of Zenkai -the good change

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages us to maintain a strong belief in our dreams and ambitions to help manifest them into reality

The Spirit of Zenkai awakens our passions and desires, and encourages us and motivates us to manifest our intentions 

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you to ignite the energy and passion within you and helps to transform your internal flame into something uplifting and wonderful

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you to wake up to your own true power

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you in the direction of your true heart’s desire and inspires you to follow your passions

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to do what you Love, because that will bring you Joy and empower you to do more

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to pursue your life purpose and serve others altruistically

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you to share your passions in ways that benefit yourself and others 

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you stay grounded during meditation and communication

The Spirit of Zenkai helps to welcome in balance, wholeness, harmony and trust

The Spirit if Zenkai helps you to overcome obstacles, shed and heal the past and brings you a sense of inner peace and confidence

The Spirit of Zenkai teaches you how to work with your gifts and abilities and implement them into your life so that they benefit you and humanity

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you see the Divine spark within

The Spirit of Zenkai helps to discern between things that are a distraction and things that are aligned with your future path

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to consider your true wants and desires and to be very clear about what you want to manifest in your life

The Spirit of Zenkai inspires you to move forward with your soul mission and turn your  passions into reality

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to work and participate as a collective

The Spirit of Zenkai instigates change on many levels and helps to overcome procrastination and assists with accepting change with grace

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you to achieve more than you thought you could imbuing energy, enthusiasm and passion into your endeavors

The Spirit of Zenkai assists in focusing your thoughts and emotions

The Spirit of Zenkai stimulates clarity of mind

The Spirit of Zenkai brings protection, purification and cleansing energies and helps you to clear and detach from things that no longer serve you

The Spirit of Zenkai helps to heal beliefs and thoughts of self doubt and/or lack

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you with all shifts, transitions, changes, and advancement in   your life

The Spirit of Zenkai helps you adapt gracefully through life's changes and transitions

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to clear clutter, rid waste and let go of things that no longer positively serve you

The Spirit of Zenkai encourages you to release the past with love and gratitude for its service and embrace new experiences and opportunities

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